Our Nuclear Medicine Division specializes in high-tech diagnostic imaging equipment for both clinical and pre-clinical applications. With both analogue and digital technology we have a solution for every need. Our powerful processing software not only improves accuracy but also speeds up the throughput in your department. With a wide range of hot-lab and quality control equipment we can put together a complete solution for a new or existing practice. Nuclear Medicine Information Systems gives you all the information you need to manage your practice in a paperless environment.
The new Capintec™ CRCR-55tR Dose Calibrator provides the speed and accuracy you need to measure and prepare doses with the reliability and performance you expect. The CRC-55tR calibrator’s design includes a menu driven, colour touch screen interface that is easy to learn and use.
The ion chamber is a proven time-tested, high pressure chamber Capintec™ design capable of measuring a dose as high as 6 Ci (250 GBq) with high accuracy.
Additional features such as USB/PC communications, printer capabilities, USB flash drive software upgrades and plug-and-play chamber make the CRC-55tR calibrator integral in improving your department’s efficiency.
The innovative functional design of the CRC-55tR unit allows for a large, easy-to-read display that indicates Nuclide Name, Number, Activity, Unit of Measure and Calibration Number.
The gold standard for radio guided surgery. One readout module can be used with various Gamma Probes. Automatic windowing for various radioisotopes with fast target and background count.
The solution for boiling Tc99m Radiopharmaceuticals safely. Digital heating element with temperature control. Vial dimensions are adaptable upon request.
Shielded Syringe Carriers reduce exposure while storing or transporting radioactive material. The overlapping lid design with snap-latch closure prevents streaming. There are two sizes and thicknesses of lead to choose from. The ends of the carriers are double thick to reduce the exposure from the ends of syringes.
The Pro-Tec™ PET Syringe Shield reduces hand exposure from syringes containing 511 keV radionuclides. The barrel of the shield is constructed of .34″ thick tungsten that attenuates FDG F-18 by 88%.
Innovative PET/CT for high quality clinical exploration. With a 64 slice CT used in conjunction with the PET you are sure of high quality images as well as specialty applications e.g cardiac. The CT can be used stand alone as well and is equipped with several advanced software packages for complete peace of mind in imaging.
Inspiring e-health means illuminating and making the evolution of practices possible, for healthcare professionals and patients alike. For 25 years, the Softway Medical Group has been guided by its sharp vision of the healthcare market and its transformations. They do not follow trends; they anticipate them and sometimes even provoke them. Thanks to the strengths of the Group, they ensure that the practices and uses of tomorrow become a reality today. In doing so, they illuminate and enable the evolution of practices, allowing healthcare professionals to be more efficient and patients to take control of their own health. Within The Softway Medical Group, we are pragmatic visionaries. In France, Belgium, and Canada, with more than 1,200 employees, their solutions equip over 200,000 healthcare professionals in private and public facilities, private practice, imaging centres, and biological laboratories. As both a software publisher, integrator, and health data host, their unique positioning enables them to break down silos, improve the patient care pathway, and contribute to prevention for all citizens
The new nanoScan® systems follow the footsteps of the first ever commercially available integrated preclinical PET/MRI system introduced by Mediso in 2011. The new nanoScan® PET/MRI systems are now equipped with both high end PET with simultaneous capability and state-of-the-art superconducting MRI subsystems.
The in-line PET subsystem features real dynamic scanning with the best count rate performance and highest resolution on the market, designed for quantitative imaging of mice, rats and even larger animals. When complemented with the PET insert the system covers every possible application in molecular imaging.
The MRI subsystems equipped with robust cryogen-free superconducting translational 3T and ultra-high field 7T magnets enable high end in vivo imaging applications.
The nanoScan® PET system is equipped with the finest detector crystal needles ensuring high spatial resolution down to 700 μm in vivo.
Quantitative results delivered over the widest range of radioactivity levels from 60 Bq to 60 MBq (1.6 nCi – 1.6 mCi). It covers the full range of PET applications from long-term cell tracking to dynamic studies with 11C- and 15O-labelled radiotracers in rats.
Large ring diameter allows imaging of multiple mice and large animals, while the unique, Tera-Tomo™ 3D iterative reconstruction based on real-time Monte Carlo simulation ensures homogeneous image quality over the entire field of view.
Open access to the animal during PET scanning gives full control over the animal studies.
The PET system is also available in triple-modality combination with our high-end SPECT (nanoScan SPECT/CT/PET) or fully integrated with MRI (nanoScan PET/MRI).
The nanoScan® SPECT system images radiotracers with absolute quantification, high sensitivity and high spatial resolution down to 0.3 mm in vivo.
Wide range of patented multi-pinhole collimators available with optimized performance for any applications: from whole-body to focused scanning; imaging of mice, multiple mice, large rats and rabbits; from low energy tracers to theranostic isotopes. Best homogeneity on the market is achieved by helical scanning, while fastest 3D dynamic acquisitions are carried out in full stationary mode without gantry or table motion.
The SPECT system is also available in triple-modality combination with our high-end PET systems (see nanoScan SPECT/CT/PET).
Hermes Medical Solutions continuously innovates to enable faster and more personalized diagnosis and therapies in molecular imaging. With Hermia, we empower healthcare professionals with state-of-the-art software for all clinical scenarios into ONE vendor-neutral platform. Powerful tools enable clinicians to simplify their workflow and keep pace with the fast development of scanners, tracers and procedures in nuclear medicine. The result is improved quality in patient management and decision support for thousands of healthcare providers and their patients worldwide.
What is 4DM?
Nuclear Cardiac Quantification, Review & Reporting Software
4DM quantifies perfusion & function. In simplified terms, 4DM assigns values to parts of the heart based on how much blood the heart muscle retains at rest vs stress – perfusion – and how well the heart expands and contracts during this function. 4DM fits seamlessly into your current nuclear imaging workflow, receiving data from PET and SPECT cameras and exporting to PACS and EMRs.
Different packages are available:
Tomo Quality Assurance with integrated Myocardial Perfusion with function. Planar & SPECT Blood Pool Quantification, Multiple image formats, Segmental Scoring Overlays, Multi- monitor support.
Includes everything in the SPECT only package as well as Attenuation map review, PET perfusion, function, viability in a simple application. Viability quantification and displays, Inflammatory workflow, PET Standard Uptake Value (SUV) calculations.
Everything in the Essentials Packages as well as Add Hybrid-CT to Nuclear Images, Calcium agatston quantification, Calcium percentile comparison to normal database, Dedicated CT displays: MPR, MIP, Thin MIP, ROI and anatomic measurement tools. Full body viewing.
Everything in Advanced Package as well as Flow and Reserve capabilities for PET and SPECT data sets. Provides greater diagnostic accuracy compared to traditional MPI. Fully- Automated Flow & Reserve quantification. Configurable Time Activity Curve (TAC) displays. Dynamic motion correction, normal comparison, residual subtraction and RPP normalization.
InterView™ FUSION is a multi-modal visualization and evaluation software. Developed by Mediso, built on state-of-the-art technologies, novel image processing algorithms and tools for evaluating different medical imaging modalities. Multi-modal registration and fusion of SPECT, PET, CT and MRI studies is a core functionality of InterView™ FUSION. Evaluation can be performed with the help of several specialized viewers and automated algorithms.
Statistical measurements by ROIs, VOIs are available, as well as SUV representation for PET and even SPECT images. A wide range of function-specialized tools provide a well-detailed, fast and easy evaluation of medical images combined with advanced visualizations and interactions with flexible workspaces. Special segmentation methods provide quick and easy extraction of organs/regions from images. Basic arithmetic operations as well as spatial and frequency domain filters are also available.
InterView™ XP is an organ-specific dedicated planar, whole body, and SPECT evaluation software. Procedures are implemented in correspondence with the guidelines of the most common Nuclear Medicine societies. The evaluation process is guided through standardized evaluation steps and supported by specialized viewers and automated algorithms. A wide range of function-specialized tools enable measurement, manipulation, enhancement and analysis of medical images. User defined procedure variants allow customization of the workflow. InterView™ XP features 2D and 3D iterative reconstruction of SPECT images including Mediso developed Tera-TomoTM reconstruction.
LabLogic’s PET/SPECT radio-TLC Scanner and Multichannel Analyser, the innovative Scan-RAM MCA, is designed to meet the ever-increasing demands of the modern laboratory. Versatile and compact, the instrument is fully controlled by market leading radio chromatography package Laura for PET, providing accurate and reproducible results for both radiochemical purity and radio-nuclidic identity tests in one combined run.
NMC Ga-68 is a GMP grade A hot cell with 2 GMP grade B pre-chambers, 2 gloves, a tray for the synthesis module, a dose calibrator area and a waste container.
The hot cell can also be equipped with the µ DDS-A automatic dispenser.
NMC Ga-68 is suitable for the preparation of doses and radiopharmaceuticals for PET diagnostic and for Nuclear Medicine isotopes too.
98% Oxygen-18 Enriched Water
HIC has been one of the leading manufacturers globally with the highest quality; manufactured according to cGMP, ISO-9001:2008 and ISO-14001:2004 standards.
AllinOne is the only platform which fully meets the needs and even exceeds the expectations of both research and production environments.
The synthesizer merges in a single integrated instrument a synthesizer and an HPLC with reformulation capability, which allows implementing both very simple and the most complex radiochemistry. If your needs evolve towards more complex tracers, your synthesizer will evolve with you. We can easily make an upgrade to a different configuration model.
The Inter Medical Medizintechnik GmbH Company is specialized in medicine software and hardware with the focal point in Nuclear Medicine technique.
Long time experience in product innovations, development and production of Nuclear systems makes Inter Medical a competent partner for all technical requirements in the Nuclear Medicine and other medical departments
Starting camera for your nuclear medicine department with onsite upgrade possibilities of CT and PET modalities. AnyScan® S camera is your cost-effective solution for basic NM examinations. Moreover, due to its flexible detector configuration, special studies can be performed quickly and easily with precise positioning and intuitive system use. The camera has an integrated acquisition system with guided protocol sets.
Starting camera for your advanced research & clinical environment. AnyScan® TRIO SPECT offers new dimensions in SPECT imaging with the applied extra detector and novel collimators. Three detector design turns against the conventional dual head SPECT configuration, to reach 50% higher sensitivity, perfect SPECT resolution and excellent image quality. This unique triple head approach allows us to collect all of the detailed information by applying a reduced acquisition time. In your routine clinical environment, the camera offers faster imaging while also new applications for both dedicated and everyday procedures.
Next to the all-around NM applications, the system may be upgraded with CT and PET modality onsite.
AnyScan® SC camera is your perfect choice as a versatile imaging system in our clinical portfolio. It can be your daily workhorse with the addition of special configurations to your routine studies thanks to its all-around approach. The system becomes a perfect Nuclear Medicine multimodality device with the supplementary diagnostic CT system. From Whole Body scans, through all hybrid SPECT/CT examinations, to therapy planning, AnyScan® SC system covers all routine NM hybrid applications.
AnyScan TRIO® SPECT/CT imaging system without any compromise to realize perfect SPECT resolution and excellent image quality. The unique triple head detector design enables detailed imaging by applying a reduced acquisition time. The system becomes a perfect nuclear medicine multimodality equipment with the supplement CT subsystem. With the addition of multipinhole collimation, the AnyScan TRIO® system breaks further boundaries in molecular imaging
This unique triple modality system can be the perfect choice for your clinic. Combining the flexible SPECT , the diagnostic CT, and LYSO crystal-based PET modality can suit all needs of today’s Molecular Imaging.
There is no switching time between the NM modalities therefore the clinicians can freely decide on the preferred hybrid imaging technique. Whether it is a divided SPECT/CT and PET/CT day, or half-week SPECT-only, SPECT/CT and half-week PET/CT schedule, is up to local preference, patient and examination types.
The AnyScan® TRIO Family is a novel multimodality NM imaging system built on a triple SPECT detector concept. AnyScan® TRIO Family offers an advanced SPECT imaging capability with its PET-like image quality by Multi-PinHole collimation technology. Faster workflow, non-Anger detector logics, better dedicated applications and precise patient positioning are just a few advantages of the TRIO system.
The Technegas® System epitomises the pinnacle of diagnostic lung imaging, meticulously engineered to evaluate lung function. It is primed for optimal physiological assessments of alveolar spaces, facilitated by SPECT or SPECT/CT imaging and is the go-to choice for ventilation-perfusion (V/Q) functional lung ventilation imaging studies.
A radio-aerosol system used for Lung Ventilations in Nuclear Medicine. It is a mobile unit which is cost effective, with rapid radioisotope uptake which produces excellent image quality. SmartVent uses over 1,000 electronic micropumps to produce liquid aerosol in a manner unlike any technology currently available.
At the heart of the SmartVent aerosol generator is a unique dome-shaped aperture plate containing over 1,000 precision tapered holes, surrounded by a vibrational element. When energy is applied, the aperture plate vibrates. This vibration causes each aperture to act as a micropump, drawing liquid through the holes to form consistent optimal sized droplets.